Monday, April 28, 2014

Kenzie's Day Out (Easter Sunday Treat)

After our LABA-DAMI duty, hubby and I decided to checked out Egg Hunting Activities near our place. It was scorching hot inside our home (that we couldn't endure) and we got nothing else to do that day so we headed to the mall in the afternoon. 

We left home at around 4pm, our first stop - The Eggmazing Easter Hunt of Festival Supermall. As the title implies it is a maze wherein the participant needs to locate the map of each station, play a mini game and return to the registration at expected time to claim the price. Also, to join you need to show at least P 1000 single receipt or accumulated P 2000  purchases on the same day. However, this activity was designed to much older kids to appreciate so we just let Mckenzie run and stare at the island of bunnies in the middle of the activity area (I think, they sell them too).  After which, we headed to McKenzie's favorite past time - riding the Tsutsu-Train (as she calls it).

My little "Easter Bunny" girl getting excited seeing her favorite ride.

Starting to throw her tantrums when we didn't catch the first batch (husband's poker face)

Mommy & Daddy all smiles while baby was trying to hold back her tears

Finally, her time to ride the TsuTsu Train. My little "Easter Bunny" girl in all smile.

After this, we headed to Alabang Town Center to catch up "Joseph the Dreamer" Musical Show for fee. The event was held at the Activity Area (open area / playground) of ATC. We had fun listening to Fred Lo's beautiful voice along with his group. Although Mckenzie didn't understand the lyrics and the story itself, I think she quite enjoyed watching it too because she would occasionally clap her hands and her face brightens up every after each song piece. We let her run and play around the area and enjoy the moment. 

We left the activity area when we started to feel mosquito bites and we felt my baby's body temperature started to get warmer. We left right before the musical show ended. We went to Mercury Drugs, to buy medicine. Surprisingly, Kenzie got her very first (2) two Easter Eggs from the pharmacist (thank you Lady Miss, whoever you are). Kenzie was so thrilled to see the colorful eggs, she was in all smile again when the Lady Pharmacist handed it to her. (We say thank you, of course :))

To sum it all, it was all worth our time and effort, we had fun and we were both happy to see our baby enjoyed her day seeing those bunnies, riding her favorite tsutsu train, listening to the musical and receiving colorful Easter eggs. For now she might not truly understand what those activities were all about and why she received those eggs but I am thrilled to see her happy and excited. We expected nothing but at the end of the day we feel blessed and happy. 

My realization after, Easter Sunday is really all about God's (Unconditional) LOVE to us - His Children, sacrificing everything without expecting anything in return. 

God is good all the time ♥♥♥♥